09 Oct

When businesses are not leveraging data in the right way, data projects often fail and lead to financial strain. Investment in operational analytics can alleviate this strain from data teams, who usually carry a hefty price tag with them. In the realm of operational analytics, data teams become active players in delivering data projects with measurable return on investment (ROI) for business leaders, at a time when they need it most. 

There’s a second problem in terms of technology. In the modern data stack, it seems like new categories of needs in data pop up very regularly, and each one requires a new best-of-breed tool to deal with it. It’s easy to start believing that our businesses will perform better if we just adopt more technology. The problem is not derived directly from the technology itself, but is from our expectation that technology will solve problems and create efficiencies. On its own, technology won’t do that. 

More info: How to Ask for a Professional Reference

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